Monday, March 29, 2010

A job add

A position is needed requiring someone to be a dedicated poster on twitter of the latest in info posted on the blog.

You will need to tweet something noteworthy every week. You will not have me chasing you down to do so, as I may not have anything worth tweeting on, or you may be busy.

You will also need to rally others to the cause. anything will work. As long as it has nothing attached.

There will be NO false religions such as one againsts EA. This is not a Cult, This is meant to prove to EA that we will no longer stand by and watch all that we long taken away from us.

Please contact me at or simply by commenting on this post.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Popularity in numbers

The four followers I have will not be enough, go out into your areas and rally support for our cause whether it be people, businesses, or anyone. We will need many more to rein in EA games.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Followers, we will need many more of you. go out and invite your friends, relatives, anyone who shares our anger at this injustice, by the way someone get romeceaser in here so I can partner with

Monday, March 22, 2010


We will need many loyal people to assist me in my bid for equality with EAs dictatorship over games. I put out a call to all authors willing to take up the keboard and publish the work that needs to be seen.

The call for action

This is just the first of many messages that will follow. EA has angered the gaming community. This cannot be tolerated.Stand by me now as I am ready to finish the fight with EA. But I cannot fight this war on my own. Even the lowliest wretch or highest lord will be needed. Stay in touch and prepare for my call.